Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mungkin Anda Tidak Sedar

Sesuatu yang anda tidak sedar atau tidak terfikir langsung.

a) Sekurang-kurangnya ada lima orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.
b) Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
c) Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.
d) Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
e) Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur
f) Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
g) Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
h) Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.
i) Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
j) Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmat disebaliknya.
k) Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirkan semula, mungkin anda yang memikirkan mereka.
l) Apabila anda terfikir dan tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak memperolehinya,tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat laun anda akan memperolehinya.
m) Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima, lupakanlah segala maki hamun, caci dan cela.
n) Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda, anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
o) Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah sahabat yang terbaik.

"Mari Membunuh Kebosanan"kata Datuk M

courtesy of mohdismail [dot] net

Sebenar nya..entri yang akan gua tulis ini dah lama disiarkan oleh Datuk M,tapi sengaja gua terbitkan semula kerana ketiadaan topik hangat yang akan gua bincangkan.

Menurut kata Datuk M,
"Aku bosan di’bilik & aku buka Photoshop mencuba membuat kolaj secara elektronik buat pertama kali. Aku struggle untuk budget panjang & lebar untuk setiap imej. Crop, drop masuk canvas, tak fit, delete, crop lagi sampai fit. Kalau tengok betul-betul, memang terabur garis-garis dalam kolaj bodoh aku ini. Siapa ada tutorial untuk buat kolaj dengan mudah & senang? Ajarkan aku."

Actually yang gua nak simpulkan di sini..kolaj tuh memang menarik sebab melibatkan gambar gua bersama seorang gadis yang teringin nak mengambil gambar bersama gua.Terus Datuk M men'snap' gambar kitorang yang ketika itu sedang lepak2 menikmati goreng pisang panas bersama air oren di sebuah cafe..ahaks.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Entri Tanpa Guna (1)

Ini posting pertama gua yang akan melibatkan sesuatu yang kurang berguna,gua agak.
Tapi lagu ini memang bermakna pada gua..kes kes !!

Apa apa pun..Enjois!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keje Baru ( Work New)

Hari ni gua terima satu panggilan palsu.Gua kene pecat dari tempat keja gua sekarang.Ooh,tidak!!

Ye ye..memang betul..panggilan tuh memang palsu sebab bukan gua kena pecat..Tapi gua memang kena keja tempat lain,tempat baru.Bukan kena pecat seperti sangkaan orang ramai.

Oleh itu,gua ucapkan semoga berjaya pada diri gua,walaupun dalam hati,gua cuak gila.Tapi takpe..bak kate orang,kalau tak dipecahkan ruyung nya,manakan dapat sagu nya..

Means for Living Below Your Means

Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not spend to impress others. Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you. Always live well below your means.

A penny saved is a penny earned.
- Benjamin Franklin

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tengkiu Datuk M

Seyes..sepanjang beberapa hari ini menceburi blogging nie,gua tatau camne nk letak logo nuffnang secara cun kat tepi belah kanan blog gua.naseb baik ade Datuk M yg kasik tolong sama gua.baru cun sket gua usha blog gua.


Terima Kasih Datuk M!!! lu memang ensem..

Monday, December 15, 2008

aduhai mesin fax

Triitt..triitt..!! Enpon gua berbunyi menandakan masuknya satu pesanan ringkas baru..

Darth Vader : mu dah fax belum barang aku tadi??

Gua membalas..

Kiah Kiut : dah..tapi aku tertinggal barang tuh di ofis aku..

Triitt..tritt!! lagi skali sms baru masuk.

Darth Vader : mu tinggal? bakpo mu tak fax trus..hidup mati pada kertas tu wey!!!

Gua membalas serangan sms tersebut..

Kiah Kiut : dem ingat kito fax kertas tu dia pergi skali dengan kertas2 tuh ke??Mu ingat kertas tu lalu ikut kabel letrik pastu muncul dalam mesin fax di tempat yang di tuju..??

Tak sampai 2 minit..sms baru masuk balik..

Darth Vader : oOoOo..aku ingat mesin fax macam mesin basuh..

Kota si bujang

Lebih 60 peratus penduduknya masih belum berkahwin dan majoritinya adalah warga tua

JIKA berkunjung ke San Fransisco, jangan terkejut jika anda melihat ada banyak restoran di sekitar bandar itu, malah menurut pemandu pelancong yang membawa penulis dan rakan media lain dari Malaysia, di pusat bandar saja ada lebih 300 restoran yang menyajikan pelbagai hidangan daripada makanan Barat hingga sajian Jepun.

Ini tidak menghairankan kerana San Fransisco dihuni oleh mereka yang masih belum berkahwin sehingga digelar kota untuk si bujang. Dianggarkan lebih 60 peratus daripada penduduknya adalah bujang dan sebahagian besar adalah warga tua sehinggakan pemandu pelancong secara berjenaka memaklumkan sukar untuk melihat kanak-kanak kecil di bandar itu.

Dengan populasi yang agak tinggi iaitu lebih 700,000 di bandar, tidak menghairankan jika perniagaan makanan boleh pesat membangun kerana penduduknya lebih senang menikmati makanan termasuk sarapan pagi di restoran.

Pada dasarnya, San Fransisco mempunyai pelbagai tarikan bersesuaian dengan kedudukannya sebagai antara bandar terbesar di Amerika Syarikat (AS) khususnya di bahagian barat California. Antara destinasi menarik ialah Fishermen Wharf, kawasan pelancongan yang menempatkan pelbagai kedai cenderamata dan restoran makanan laut.

Selain itu, penulis juga berpeluang berkunjung ke Golden Gate Bridge yang kononnya nama berkenaan diperoleh daripada kilauan keemasan yang dipancarkan oleh jambatan sepanjang sejauh 1.2 batu itu.

Golden Gate Bridge menggunakan 10,000 gelen cat berwarna jingga, sekali gus memancarkan sinaran keemasan dan menurut sejarah cat berkenaan disumbangkan penduduk setempat kerana kekurangan bajet untuk menyiapkannya. Kini, ternyata usaha penduduk tempatan berbaloi kerana jambatan yang dibina pada 1933 dan dibuka untuk operasi hanya pada 1937 itu kini menjadi antara tarikan utama pelancongan.

Selain terkenal sebagai destinasi pelancongan tepi pantai, San Fransisco juga berada dalam peta dunia berikutan kehadiran penjara di pulau Alcatraz yang dikatakan menempatkan banduan paling berbahaya di AS. Alcatraz juga terkenal dengan sebagai penjara yang paling ketat kawalannya. Mitos juga menggambarkan tiada banduan mampu melarikan diri dari pulau itu kerana lautan di sekitarnya penuh dengan jerung putih, bahkan dikatakan berhantu kerana kebanyakan banduan mati di situ.

Justeru, tidak lengkap jika anda berada di San Fransisco tanpa berkunjung ke pulau yang kini dihuni ribuan burung camar. Kedudukan Alcatraz tidaklah begitu jauh, hanya mengambil masa 10 minit perjalanan menaiki feri yang bertolak setiap 30 minit sekali dari jeti di Fisherman Wharf ke pulau berkenaan.

Begitu pun, melihat kedudukannya yang begitu dekat dengan pantai, hati tertanya-tanya sejauh mana kebenaran mitos yang didengar selama ini. Menurut catatan yang disediakan untuk pelawat, tiada jerung di kawasan berkenaan mahupun banduan yang mati kerana diseksa melainkan sakit tua. Malah, penjara itu ditutup tidak lama selepas dua banduan dikatakan berjaya melarikan diri ke tanah besar.

Menariknya, kini beberapa bekas banduan Alcatraz menjadi popular dan turut diangkat ikon pulau itu, selain gambar mereka menghiasi cenderamata seperti kole, pinggan dan pelekat peti sejuk. Bukan itu saja, ada bekas banduan yang turut mengaut keuntungan dengan menulis buku mengenai pengalaman mereka sebagai banduan yang pernah menghuni penjara paling digeruni di dunia itu.

Ketika lawatan itu, penulis dan rakan media lain sempat menemui seorang bekas banduan yang dijemput khas untuk berada di penjara berkenaan bagi menandatangani autograf! Tetapi, kami tidak dapat berada lama di pulau berkenaan kerana suhu terlalu sejuk dan ditambah angin kencang menyebabkan kebanyakan pelawat mengambil keputusan untuk segera kembali ke tanah besar.

Malah, sepanjang lima hari di San Fransisco, suhu begitu sejuk sehingga mencecah 8 darjah Celsius, dan ini tidak menghairankan kerana kedudukannya yang berjiran dengan Lautan Pasifik.

INFO: San Francisco

  • Bermula daripada pekan kecil sebelum dijajah pelayar Sepanyol 1776.

  • Penjajahan Sepanyol berakhir pada 1821 dan San Fransisco menjadi sebahagian daripada pemerintahan Mexico.

  • Penemuan emas pada 1848 di California khususnya di San Fransisco menyebabkan perkembangan pesat di pekan itu sehingga menjadi bandar terbesar di barat Amerika.

  • Pada mulanya hanya tertumpu kepada aktiviti pertanian dan perikanan bertukar menjadi bandar yang sibuk dipenuhi ribuan pelombong yang datang dari seluruh dunia berikutan berita mengenai penemuan emas atau lebih dikenali sebagai Gold Rush.

  • Pada 1906, berlaku gempa bumi sebesar 8.2 pada skala Rickter yang menyebabkan kebakaran di San Fransisco apabila berlaku kebocoran paip gas.

  • Kebakaran itu memusnahkan dua pertiga daripada bandar berkenaan.

  • Gempa bumi yang melanda itu menjadi hikmah tersembunyi bagi San Fransisco kerana selepas musnah teruk dalam kebakara, ia dibina semula menerusi perancangan teliti.

  • San Fransisco adalah bandar raya moden yang menjadi tarikan pelancong dan dikatakan mempunyai paling ramai penduduk berbilang bangsa di dunia.

  • San Fransisco juga sudah lama mempunyai kereta kabel yang menjadi penghubung kepada kawasan penting di sekitar bandar berkenaan, malah menjadi tarikan pelancong.

  • Kawasan perumahan Victoria yang pernah digunakan untuk beberapa siri televisyen popular, Full House pada 1980-an.

  • Sebuah rumah berwarna biru di kawasan perumahan Victoria pernah digunakan untuk filem Kindergarden Cop lakonan Arnold Schawarzeneggar.

    FAKTA: San Fransisco

  • Diasaskan pada 29 Jun 1776.

  • Terletak di California.

  • Lokasi menarik, antaranya Golden Gate Bridge, pulau Alcatraz, Menara Coit, kawasan perumahan Victoria.

  • Ceritera Rakan Bundle Gua

    Kelmarin (13/12/2008)..

    Gua bersama Najeb dan dua orang rakan kami..(aku baru kenal) bergerak ke Tanah Merah semata mata untuk mengusha barang bundle yang dikatakan baru dibelah guni nya di beberapa port panas bundle di Tanah Merah.

    Sedang dalam perjalanan ke sana.tetiba rakan gua, gua namakan sebagai Rakan no. 1 bercerita tentang satu kisah yang amat menarik perhatian gua.
    Sambil menarik nafas panjang dan berjela,beliau memulakan cerita.Ceritanya begini..

    "Y'all tau (ala2 nigel sket) gua ada member, memang gua tak nafikan yang beliau adalah antara perokok2 tegar di sekolah gua.Tetiba satu malam ketika tengah syok hisap Saat (tentunya yang dikongsi beramai ramai seramai 5 orang) dengan tidak sengaja beliau telah diambush oleh warden.

    Tanpa sempat melarikan diri,beliau telah ditangkap oleh warden lantas dibuang sekolah
    dan dimasukkan dalam penjara.Disebabkan beliau adalah perokok tegar,semasa di dalam penjara beliau meneruskan tabiat merokok di dalam penjara,lalu sekali lagi beliau dibuang penjara..!!!"kata Rakan no. 1 gua dengan bersemangat..

    Gua tengah melayan lagu dangdut dalam kereta kelisa berbody kit skyline kepunyaan Najeb melepaskan gelak seperti melepaskan batuk di tangga sekuat dan sepenuh hati..

    Kata gua dalam hati..

    "Ape ke lahanat member ko wat lawak ni Najeb..."

    lalu dijawab oleh Najeb (juga dalam hati)

    "ntah la Labu.."

    Moral of the story=Merokok Membahayakan Kesihatan.Amaran oleh Kerajaan Malaysia.

    Sembang kencang malam..

    Tadi gua dan dua orang rakan gua..gua nama kan sebagai Najeb dan Fara'id sedang lepak sambil pekena neskepe o ais kegemaran gua bersama dunhill 14 di sebuah kedai makan di sebelah UiTM Machang..

    Sedang rancak kami berbual..tetiba gua terbuka topik..sambil asap berkepul2 keluar dari mulut gua menandakan gua sedang hisap rokok..

    Kata gua..
    "apahal kebanyakan chef2 lelaki local (dalam negara) kebanyakanya (bukan semua..diulangi bukan semua) berperwatakan kurang pejal (lembut) dan kebanyakan chef2 luar negara keras2 semua??!!!!!" ( tanda seru yang banyak menunjukkan pernyataan yang penuh dengan rasa teruja)

    Kata najeb..
    "a'ah la..topic ni mesti solid kalo diletakkan dalam blog.."

    lalu dibalas oleh Fara'id..
    " (bermaksud ye ye dalam bahasa Kelantan)

    Sebagai memenuhi permintaan rakan2 perLEPAKan..gua pon terus tanpa usul periksa menimbulkan topik ini dalam blog gua..Di sini gua ingin meminta jasa baik tuan puan memberi pendapat tentang topik yang telah dibincangkan..

    cekit daut (Check It Out la!!)

    p/s:-diharap incik Najeb tidak memasukkan topik ini lagi dalam blog beliau..terima kasih

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

    A well written blog is a beautiful thing to read. When I hit upon a blog with great writing, I can spend hours digging into the archives, learning, laughing, getting to know a writer.

    Because a great blogwriter, in the end, is someone you want to be friends with. It’s someone interesting, someone who can tell a story and hold a great conversation and be fantastic company.

    Great blogwriting is hard to find, but it’s out there, and it can be done.

    I can’t make any claim to being a great blogwriter, but I have been studying it pretty closely over the last couple of years, and I can report back things I’ve learned from my reading, from my experiments with my own writing, and from what has worked and what hasn’t.

    Blogwriting: A new form
    Remember, blogwriting isn’t the same as writing fiction, or journalism, or magazine writing. There are similarities, of course, but blogwriting is a literary form in itself.

    The difference between blogwriting and other forms of writing lies in the audience, and the closeness of the blogger to his readers. Unlike other similar forms of writing, such as the op-ed column, magazine writing and the like, blogwriting is intensely close to the audience. You’re not broadcasting your writing to a remote audience who will read your article or column tomorrow morning (or in some cases, weeks or months later). You’re writing for an audience who will comment on the post mere minutes after you press “publish”. They will argue with you, praise you, become your friends. They will write their own posts, commenting on and analyzing your writing.

    It’s because of this interaction and proximity to your readers that a blogger is exposed to the world, that it becomes immensely personal, that even if you don’t write anything personal at all, you’re vulnerable.

    Blogwriting comes in many forms, of course. It varies in extremes from a personal journal to an op-ed column to a magazine how-to feature. And most blogs are some combination of those older forms, and more.

    Your voice
    Every blogwriter has his own voice. Writing comes from somewhere inside you, it’s a piece of you. That’s not as gross as it sounds.

    If you try to write without personality, if you try to remove yourself from your writing, it will be dry and not a bit boring. I don’t advise it.

    Put yourself into your writing. Let your voice speak through. Speak to the readers.

    Read that last sentence again, because it’s key: speak to the readers. Write as if you’re talking to them. Sure, they’re not talking back, but only for the moment. Soon they will. So talk as if you’ve got their ear, and as if they’re listening but just chomping at the bit, waiting for their chance to respond.

    Write conversationally. As we each have our own way of speaking, conversationally will be different for each person. If you have a problem with this, read it out loud. As yourself if that really sounds like you. And if not, rewrite it.

    Don’t be afraid to use a little slang, if that’s the way you talk. Don’t overdo it, of course, but a little bit of non-standard English can add color. Don’t be afraid to use the phrases you normally use in conversation: be yourself.

    Examples of great voices: Dooce, Seth Godin.

    Insanely useful
    This is what works for me — writing posts as useful as I can possibly make them. I don’t always succeed, of course, but it’s my goal.

    I think about problems I’ve had, challenges I’ve faced and overcome, and if they’re things my readers might also be facing, I write about how to solve those problems. Step by step.

    The more practical the tips, the better. Its fine to give general advice, but if the reader can’t actually put that advice to use, it’s useless.

    Concise and scannable
    These are two separate things, but they’re related. Blog readers don’t have a lot of time. They’re not sitting down to read a novel. They’re reading your posts at work, between meetings and tasks. Or they’re reading in the early morning, as they’re getting ready, or late at night, right before bedtime. They don’t have all day.

    So write concisely: make your point, give the information, and be done. If you don’t normally write concisely, be sure to edit your post when you’re done, and see what words and phrases and sentences and paragraphs can be cut out or shortened.

    “Scannable” is my term for how easily a reader can scan through a post for the main points. Is it possible to tell, in a few seconds, what the main ideas of a post are? Lists work well for that, as does making the key sentences bold or using sub-headlines for different sections of the post.

    Keep the readers in mind, always
    Great blogwriting isn’t just about the writer. Sure, there should be a lot of the writer in the writing … but if the writer is so selfish that he ignores the reader, he’s not writing well at all.

    Again, great writing, in general, is a conversation. Conversation requires at least two people, and so to write you must have the reader in mind. Who is he, what is he interested in? Talk to him.

    The reader should be at the center of everything: the topics you choose, the way you write, what you include and what you don’t. Forget that, and you’ve made a huge mistake.

    Entertain them
    Not every post will be entertaining, but many of the best will be. OK, maybe this one isn’t so entertaining. But you get my point.

    Amuse your readers. Tell them stories. Add in a little humor, even if many of them won’t get it. Don’t be afraid to offend sometimes, although it’s not great to purposely anger people for no good reason.

    Examples of entertaining writing: Pointless Waste of Time, Sara Brown.

    Experiment, fail and learn
    There is no one way to write a great blog post. The best blogwriters have all found their own voice, their own techniques. You’ll do that too, but you won’t succeed right away.

    Read great blogwriters, and rip them off. Steal their ideas and techniques and make them your own. Writers have been doing that for centuries — I’d argue that it’s the only thing writers do.

    Try new things you discover on other blogs. Try them and fail. It’s from failure that you learn.

    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    hari hari yang berlalu..

    hari ini gua sedih beb..sbb budak budak trainee kat tempat keje gua dah nak abes training..pasni sangap ar gua sebab takde member nak kuar minum+lepak kat kbmall..haha..

    mereka yang akan meninggalkan aku,aku namakan sebagai..


    bon vovage y'alls..

    kalo gua dapat opis ala2 camni..hurmm..

    y'all usha la sendiri

    Kecil Besar Tua Muda

    dude..kalo sesape yang tak paham..meh aku translatekan..

    kucing kanan : gua siyes bai..menatang tuh besar ni (sambil tangan wat ala2 besar gila)
    kucing kiri : tiada jalan (no way = nowai) bermaksud takkanlah..
    kucing kanan : jalan (way = wai) yang bermaksud betul..


    7 perkara yang perlu dilakukan semasa blog anda maseh muda remaja

    This is a guest post from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits and Write To Done.

    These days my blog, Zen Habits, no longer has the problems of finding its identity and finding an audience … but there was a time not too long ago when Zen Habits was just a baby going through the inevitable growing pains.

    And yes, I remember struggling to find new readers — to just let people know I was even there. The early days of a blog are the toughest, by far.

    But they don’t have to be. When a blog is still young, just as in childhood, it can be freer, carefree, and fun. Everything is a learning experience. Best yet, a young blog has endless potential — it can be anything (except perhaps President of the United States).

    So if you’re the owner of a young blog, here are seven things I recommend you do, based on my experiences:

    1. Create amazingly useful content. This is the most important thing you can do the first month or two of your blog’s existence. The next item (branding) is also important to think about as you start, but in terms of how you spend your time, writing amazing and useful content should be 95% of what you do. Your design, ads, technical stuff … all that can be worked on later. Right now, write your butt off. Create tip-packed posts that will knock the reader’s socks off. Read more: What Makes Great Blogwriting?
    2. Create a great brand. When you first create your blog, you should think a bit about the brand you’re going to create. When you create a brand, you are sending an unspoken message. What unspoken message do you want to send? Start by defining your target audience, then by figuring out what desires you will tap into. Then craft an unspoken message that will be true to yourself while tapping into those desires. Use that unspoken message to craft your brand (the title of your blog) as well as everything else you do, from blog design to post topics to the tone you write with and more. Read more: Branding 101: How to Promote Your Blog Like the Big Guys Do.
    3. Network with other bloggers. When you first start out, you might not know many other bloggers. Rectify that situation by commenting on other blogs in your niche, and sending friendly emails to other bloggers whose blogs you enjoy. Offer to collaborate with them, to do guest posts for them (see next item) and in general be helpful and friendly. Develop a relationship with other bloggers — it’ll pay off in the long run.
    4. Write guest posts. One of the absolute best ways to promote your blog and your brand, and to find new readers, is to write guest posts on other blogs with readers who are among your target audience. Of course, it’s hard to get a guest post slot on big blogs when you’re just a little guy. So start with blogs that are just a little bigger than you — if you have 10 readers, go for a blog with 100-200 readers. If you have 100 readers, go for a blog with 300-500 readers, and so on. Before you start doing guest posts, however, be sure to have 10-12 solid, powerful, insanely useful posts on your blog. You want your new readers to come to your blog and be struck by a great first impression. Every guest post you write should be as amazingly useful and tip-packed as the ones on your blog (see first item).
    5. Experiment and have fun. Once you’re a blogging powerhouse, you have thousands of readers’ expectations to live up to. You have to put up great content every day, and each word is scrutinized. So take advantage of your youth as a blog — have a blast! Experiment, try out different writing techniques, imitate other blogs, try humor and rants and moving personal essays. Try to write a post that will become popular in the social media. Find your voice as a writer. Seek inspiration and write whatever you’re inspired to write.
    6. Get out there, often. Now is the time to start becoming more visible, and to spread your brand as much as possible. Comment on many other blogs, participate in blog carnivals, send links to other bloggers and see if they’ll share them with their readers, participate in contests. Be visible.
    7. Seek out your potential. You can be anything you want to be when you’re just starting out. Figure out what that will be. Aspire to great heights, and seek to raise your level of blogging each step of the way. Find your path to greatness as a blogger. Try new paths, and find what fits you. Follow your passion, your inspiration, and above all, enjoy the journey!

    10 mitos..10 myths of blog marketers debunked

    Through our ongoing series on blogging we’ve explored different ways you can make blogging your career. The space still offers bountiful opportunities for those who are willing to work hard. And yet for the opportunities there are still those who sell blogging as a panacea to the economic woes of our time, a get rich quick scheme that will deliver millions all from your bedroom without the need to get dressed.

    Not every blog salesman is the same, some offer solid advice and there are some good paid programs out there, but for every program I’d happily recommend, there is probably 100 I wouldn’t.

    Here’s 10 myths of blog marketers debunked.

    1. Blogging is easy (workload)

    Blogging isn’t easy. Just because you can type some words into Blogger doesn’t mean that somehow that’s going to make you millions. Successful bloggers all share the same traits: they work hard, really hard, and often work longer hours than most would in non-blogging jobs.

    2. Blogging is safe

    Blogging can be a legal minefield that can get you sued when you least expect it. Only this month I’ve received a nasty email from a mainstream media organization. Depending on your targeted vertical the chances of legal issues can be higher again, for example celebrity blogs.

    3. RSS is a license to republish other peoples content

    RSS may stand for Really Simple Syndication (according to some..the original definition is Rich Site Summary), but those syndication rights are for personal use, not commercial use. You can use RSS to publish links (we do on the front page of The Inquisitr) and you’re usually entitled to run a short extract under fair use laws, but you cross the line with full posts and you can be sued for doing so. Further, splogs (blogs that republish RSS feeds) are rarely successful despite what some will tell you. The only people who make big money from splogging are those who do it on scale, often with thousands of blogs.

    4. Blogging is a replacement for you day job

    It can be, but rarely from the beginning. Most bloggers start while working other jobs, and only quit their day jobs when their blogs allow them to. Others might have a bit of money saved when they start out. If you want to start blogging full time, expect to be cash poor for at least 6 months, maybe longer.

    5. Blogging will make you rich

    Very rarely is this true. Very few one person blogs ever bring in big money. Most large blogs today have a team of writers, and even then in this economic climate, margins are starting to get tighter. See hard work for the success path.

    6. You can post once a day

    See hard work, but this is also a common myth, this idea that you post once a day and rake in the money. Quality helps, but the reality is that most successful blogs posts many times a day, and your chances of succeeding when posting once a day a minimal to zero.

    7. Traffic is easy to come by

    Simply not true. The build it and they will come approach is peddled by some, but attracting traffic on a blog requires hard work, great content, and social interaction outside the blog. There’s also the time factor: most blogs take a good 6-9 months to truly establish themselves, not just in building traffic, but in building incoming links and good treatment in search engines. Take The Inquisitr for example: we did more traffic in the first 13 days of this month than we did for the full total of our first 3 months.

    8. RSS subscribers are the key and are easy to get

    While having more RSS subscribers will help your blog, they are neither the key to success nor easy to get. Most big sites with big counts have those counts because they end up as a default option in RSS services such as Netvibes and others. For the rest of us, RSS is actually a hard ask. The Inquisitr has around 5,000 RSS subscribers, and while that number has steadily grown, growth has been much slower vs traffic. You also need to consider that RSS isn’t really that mainstream, and although you’ll do well with RSS in some verticals, others just don’t get the subscribers.

    9. Writing for a blog is easy

    You don’t have to be an Ernest Hemingway to write a blog, but you should be able to do more than string two words together. Tone and context are both keys in writing a great blog. Second: if you’re not in the United States, you also have to be multi-lingual. If you’re writing a local content blog, this doesn’t matter for you, but if you’re writing for a global audience, you really need to consider writing in US English. Yes, most of the world doesn’t follow US English, but chances are the bulk of your readers will. Despite blogging in US English for 4 years, I still occasionally get it wrong, after all, 13 years of schooling and a degree in Marketing are habits hard to kick.

    10. You can blog in your pajamas

    OK, so this is kind-of true and I was blogging from bed last night, but I’d note back into the earlier points: it was Sunday night, and I was blogging (hard work). Most full time bloggers do what everyone else does, they get out of bed, shower, get dressed, and dedicate themselves to a full working day.


    Although this is a list of negatives, you can make something of blogging. You might be a stay at home mom, and a thousand or two is money you don’t currently have, and you might have 5-6 hours a day to home to blog…and that’s a perfect approach to it. You might be looking at adding a couple of hundred a month on top of your current job for spending money…another good approach.

    Don’t believe the hype you read, but likewise blogging offers opportunities for those who work hard, have patience, and a long term outlook.

    (img credit:Lab Notes)

    Saturday, December 13, 2008

    Bunyi yang menenangkan

    Lu orang usha la sendiri..malas nak cakap banyak..

    10 10 10 tensen..!!

    Gua bukan apa..cuma jeles dengan member member gua yang menceburi bidang blogging ni..
    Last last..gua pon terperangkap dengan dunya (dibaca dengan bunyi dunia) blogging nie..

    Upacara perasmian blog gua dirasmikan oleh menteri perumahan dan kerajaan tempatan..(kebabOoOom!!) bunyi belon dan mercun diletupkan..

    Ok..tak kelakar..

    Takde makna nya nak rasmi pakai bunga api dan bunga bungaan dan ada majlis makan makan..gua punya blog ni pon lite-lite sajo a.k.a ringan-ringan sajo..
